As he swings the hammer fully back, honk to distract him and he'll hammer his thumb, opening up the next level.

Grab the No Goose sign to pull it over, then wait for the Groundskeeper to put it back in place. * Make the Groundskeeper hammer his thumb It's best to save the radio until last as the noise it makes means you can't really avoid the Groundskeeper chasing you, although if you can get it wet then it'll short out and stop making sounds. Grab each item and take it to the picnic blanket which is down by the lake on the right hand side – make sure the Groundskeeper doesn't chase you there or he'll see any items you've stolen already and start taking them back to the garden. The sandwich (both halves), apple, and basket are at the bench by the lake the pumpkin and carrot can be pulled from the garden the jam, thermos, and radio are at the workbench in the garden. Have a picnic (bring to the picnic blanket: sandwich, apple, pumpkin, carrot, jam, thermos, radio, basket) If you're struggling to get past the Groundskeeper, you can sneak around the back of the beds on the right hand side of the garden, or turn on the water butt tap to create a distraction. Grab the rake from next to the shed, and drag it all the way to the lake. Once you have the hat, quickly dash through the hole in the hedge so he can't chase and catch you, at which point he'll go and put his sun hat on. If you're spotted, simply back off behind the Groundskeeper until you're out of his eyeline then wait for him to start tending again for another attempt.
Now wait for the Groundskeeper to tend a patch and carefully sneak up from the side until the prompt appears to grab his hat. To prep for this one, move the crate by the hedge on the left hand side of the garden to reveal a hole. Either wait until the Groundskeeper is tending to a patch and grab his keys, or simply sneak up behind him and snatch them off his belt.